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Thursday, August 30, 2012


You can read about it just about anywhere.  Google it & you'll find a ton articles on people for whatever reason have purposely infected others.  I'm not going to talk about laws today.  What I want to deal with is why these people do it.  You hear a lot about people not telling their partners their HIV status.  Then you get the people like dentists, acupuncturists & other professionals that purposely infect people.  I know the dentist in the Denver area may have not had the direct intent of infecting people.   However, he purposely choose to reuse syringes & other equipment for whatever reason.  That means he made a choice & that choice led to someone else being exposed to HIV.  Therefore, I consider it purposeful.

Some people say that it's not like they murdered anyone, HIV is a manageable disease.  Yes, it is manageable.  However, it comes with stigma & a lot of other issues.  HIV comes with compromised health.  It's expensive.  It can be debilitating.  In the end, it can still kill you.  These people who purposely infect others may not have shot their victims in the head.  But they still executed the lives these people had before becoming HIV +.  Being +, changes everything.  To those people who say it doesn't, I call absolute Bullshit!

IMO, these people who purposely infect others, should simply be shot.  Don't waste $ on an expensive round, a well placed .22 shot will do the job nicely.  I guess my Oklahoma is showing.  But these people are monsters.  They are indulgent, destructive creatures who forfeit their right to life the moment they purposely infect someone else.  

To this day, I wonder if I infected anyone.  If so, how many?  It took a long time for my tests to finally come back +.   Since that day, I haven't engaged in or even considered engaging in sexual activity with any one else.  I will not be the one to knowingly infect someone that way.  Sex, is a blast & I had a lot of it, but it's not worth risking someone else's life over.  

I know I haven't really addressed the why of the matter & to be honest, I just don't care why they do it.  They do it & that's all I need to know.  There's no justification for purposely infecting some with this illness.  I'm sure they'll justify it with their greed, curiosity, bigotry or some other self-absorbed reason.  It doesn't matter, these people are horrible & shouldn't be allowed near anyone else ever again.


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