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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Much Better Day...

So far, so good today.  The weather is nice & everything seems to be sailing along just fine.  It may seem like I talk about how good/bad my day has been a lot.  There's a reason for that.  1st, my day was either good or bad & I wanted/needed to comment on it.  Next, Google "HIV & stress".  You're going to find a ton of relevant, professional articles talking about the effects of stress on a person's health, especially someone with HIV.  Stress can ratchet up every bad thing in your life & diminish your resources & defenses.  

For the past few days, the stress level was high & life was aggravating.  However, today is running smooth & at least for the moment everyone has stopped being an ass.  I feel better.  I slept better.  I'm not anxious.  So, I'm acknowledging that I'm having a better day & that I know it's better for my health when I have these days.

Here's hoping everyone else is having a great day.


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