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Sunday, August 19, 2012


The U.S. Preventative Task Force, a national agency concerning public health, is expected to push for HIV testing to become as routine as cholesterol screenings.  This is a step away from previous decisions made by the panel.  Before they had left this up to physicians & suggested everyone be tested at least once in their lifetime.  Now, the trends & technologies have changed.   It's known that + people on regimens are less likely to spread the virus.  There are better testing methods.  In addition, there are better, more available meds.  

Still this will be costly.  But with the passage of the healthcare bill in the U.S., any preventative tests this panel recommends must be covered by insurers.  It'd seem that with more people being tested, there would be more production of the testing devices & the costs should go down over time.

There are the matters of $, stigma & cultural crap, but this may be the only viable way to getting HIV under control.  If people aren't tested, they may never know they're + & will continue to spread the virus.  There are too many people out there who erroneously feel they aren't at risk.  Routine testing is a must in order to confront HIV.


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