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Thursday, August 9, 2012


Well, can you imagine after 15 days, my meds finally arrived.  I guess that's the OMG part.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they got here.  But wait, there's more.  Order now & we'll screw with you 2 ways for the price of 1.  When I open my package to check my order, 1 of my meds is looking a bit odd. 

The Lamivudine had metamorphed from a small, diamond shaped pill to a scored caplet.  Finally, after 5 minutes talking to the pharmacy flunky, she finally deigns to forward me to an actual pharmacist.  He confirms the shapes have changed as well as the manufacturer.  The new company apparently didn't like the diamond shape.  At least I have the right meds, but they could've warned me about the change.  This was probably a mix of the WTF & Really.

This morning came the real, Really.  I'm getting around to run my roomie to Fort Smith.  When I looked out my window I saw the carpenter that was supposed to show up 2 weeks ago.  He finally decided to show his ass up on the day I have plans, of course.  Jerk.

I made it over to Fort Smith & back, the project seems to be about halfway done.  Hopefully they will be gone soon.  I've had enough drama & stupidity for a bit.  Hopefully everyone else's life is going more smoothly.


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