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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lyme & Not the Citrus Kind...

"Lyme Disease is now more common than HIV."   For those of you who don't know, Lyme is a disease caused by parasites transmitted via a tick bite.   Lyme & other tick transmitted illnesses can be found throughout the world.  Tick bites should be taken seriously.  If you do find a tick, don't panic, transmission of these illnesses usually takes hours.

In the short term, Lyme symptoms are similar to those of the flu.  However, left untreated, Lyme can be devastating.  Chronic Lyme is a matter of huge debate.  Having known of someone with the illness & how difficult it is to deal with, I have no doubt Chronic Lyme is very real.  Under Our Skin, is a 2008 documentary on the matter.  It's fairly shocking.  Under Our Skin also has a Facebook page.  The documentary can be found at Youtube & Netflix.  This is a pay item at You-Tube.  You-Tube also has a lot of other videos concerning Lyme & Chronic/Persistent Lyme Disease.  

If you live in a place that has ticks, you should be aware of the very real threat of Lyme & other tick-born illnesses.  The woman I'm aware of, has been dealing with the disease longer than I've had HIV & I think I'm in better shape.  No of my meds have required a PIC line.  I'm not trying to scare anyone, but I hope can be made aware of the threat & how to better avoid it.


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