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Monday, August 20, 2012

Learning From Mistakes...

This article talks about a woman who is now trying to educate others to avoid the mistakes she made that led to her becoming +.   She had to face the reality of the situation.  One of misinformation she held as her belief she was not at risk for HIV.  She was not gay, she was not promiscuous nor was she an IV drug user.  Regardless, at 26 she still found herself +.

She was infected by her boyfriend.  The article doesn't say how he became +, but it does describe some risk factors.  He was in possession of drugs & he was incarcerated. 

Since then she has been trying to help other women deal with the men in their lives.  Especially those men who have served time incarcerated.  She pushes for their self-esteem, so that these women are in a better place to make decisions for themselves.  She also pushes for them to have enough self-respect to demand respect from the men in their lives.  It's good article, go read it.


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