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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Telemedicine Tomorrow...

Tomorrow's my next specialist appointment with the telemedicine bus.  I've got my lab results & just have to get a few other things together & I'll be ready. My labs aren't quite as good as they were last time, but my numbers vary & my levels are still undetectable.  

I know I've talked about Telemedicine before, but it truly has been a wondrous thing for me.  I drive less than a mile instead of 120.  I don't spend all that time or gas $.  I don't get exhausted from the long trip. My roomie can stay home & not have to go & keep me company on the way up & back.  The drive up to the doctor's office in Tulsa gave me time to get aggravated with the situation & more stressed over seeing the doctor.  I seriously did not need that.

Again, I am thankful for telemedicine.  We'll see how it goes tomorrow.


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