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Sunday, August 26, 2012


With the temperature dropping, my exercise routine is coming more in line with what it was in early July.   It's taking a while & I'm incorporating a few new exercises.  Let me tell you, getting back into sync helps in matters of feeling better as far as aches & pains go.  However, it's taking some adjusting for my digestive system to get back into the grove more physical exertion.  The extra movement is really helping things along in that department.

I read about people who exercise when they're stressed.  Hah!  I don't.  I won't exercise when I'm freaking out over something.  I don't want to associate this exertion with anything more uncomfortable than it already is.  Physical exertion does nothing for my stress levels.  It just leaves my tired & stressed.  I also don't exercise if I'm feeling physically ill.  Why not?

I'm not at my most fit & I need to focus on what I'm doing when I exercise.  The last thing I need is to lose focus & fall.  I don't want to be exercising & be thinking, "Hurry up, we have to go to the bathroom, like NOW!"  I realize my exercise routine may be tiring & sometimes make me sore.  But, I want the experience to be as pleasant as possible.  I'll never be among those people who loves to exercise.  I just won't.  At the same time, I don't want to dread the experience either.

This my exercise routine & it'll be done at my discretion via whatever methods I choose.  I'll do my best to stick with it & push for results.  I won't make my self miserable though.  I will not let this dominate my life.  I want to exercise to have a more healthy life, not a more obsessive one.


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