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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I've got no problems with ethics, they're a necessary part of any profession, especially in the medical field.  What I've a problem with, is when people's morality gets in the way of treating illnesses or saving lives (of those people already alive).  

We'll stick with HIV here.  There have been so many moral abuses of those living with HIV & those trying to prevent the further spread of the illness.  The mere fact that HIV is so stigmatized is due to some people's heavy handed morality, with all their judging of how the other person contracted the virus.  Then there's the moralist's classification of any + person as being unclean.

Lets jump into condom usage.  We know without a doubt condoms are very successful at mitigating the spread of HIV.  However, the moralists will tell you anyone carrying condoms must be a slutty, unclean person who must be punished.  Even the police in many countries are citing the mere presence of condoms on a person as evidence the person is a prostitute.  This is happening in the USA & elsewhere.  Many cops are taking the condoms & destroying them.  The fact that having condoms can be used as evidence against you in the court is all the reason many "professionals" need to choose not to carry them at all.  These cops & officials should be charged for contributing to the spread of HIV.

Then there are the needle exchange programs.  The US Congress allowed federal $ to be spent on this in 2009, however it just recently reversed that decision.  This article discusses the huge impact needle exchange programs have had in reducing the number of new transmissions.   Now, with the reversal, many drug users will most likely return to sharing & reusing needles.  This will only add to the spread of the illness.

Those are just 3 points where moralist have made the idea of an AIDS-Free generation functionally impossible.  These people don't want this to end.  They want someone to point a finger at & shame.  These alleged "good" people want to feel better than someone else.  IMO, these moralists are evil, self-absorbed, greedy SOB's.  They would allow the spread of this virus just to make a point & to feel superior.  To all you "good people" out there, do me a favor, keep you damn morals to yourself.


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