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Sunday, August 5, 2012


I'm having to make a lot of adjustments in my life right now due to the heat.  It's not nearly as hot as last year when it was reaching 115 F.  Today is only supposed to get to the low 100's.  One thing is worse this year.  When it was hell on Earth hot here, there little to no humidity, usually well under 20%.  This summer, the humidity is staying typical for Oklahoma, at least the mid 40 %'s & double that at night.  

Walking into the kitchen in the morning is hell.  My bedroom was relatively cool & comfortable.  Then I went into the kitchen with fridge & freezer & hit a wet wall of heat.  This morning it was sickening hot.  It was just at 80 outside but with no AC running all night, the kitchen was well into the high 90's & humid.  I have to open the doors & turn on every fan, before I can handle being in there 1st thing in the morning.

I don't like making concessions, but they're having to be made with when & how much I exercise.  What & how I cook.  Where we park the car.  When we go out to run errands. Etc...  Being really hot & dry is better than being hot & wet.  Oh well. we're into August & Summer is nearly half way over. 


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