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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Also Starring...

Recently I talked about a hassle with my pharmacy.  They screwed up my order, repeatedly.  Even though I had enough meds on hand, this was still frustrating.  I am a Virgo!  Hear me scream for order & organization.   I agree with the Dyson vacuum man, "I just think things should work properly."  Placing a med order with a pharmacy should be no more difficult than ordering a pizza.

The issue here is I kept the matter centered on myself.   That wasn't the case.  I have a roommate who has lived with me throughout most of my being +.  She's known me longer.  My prior roommate, who'd been a college friend, said he'd be there.  Hah, right up to the moment he bailed.  That's not true, he was never there for me on the matter of my health.  That was always my current roomie.   The only thing my prior roommate did about my HIV status was use it for a source of drama when he talked to his friends.

My roomie has been here through it all.  From the days when I was so weak I could barely get off the couch, to running me to doctors appointments & emergency rooms, until now.  When this ordeal with the pharmacy occurred, it wasn't just me going through it, she was as well.   Most of us don't live in a vacuum.  We have people in our lives that our situations affect.   When she saw the problem with the pharmacy, most likely all she could was here we go again; back to the horrid health, the doctors, the hospitals, etc...  Unless you live entirely alone, remember it's not just you in the sick-boat.


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