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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Treat People The Same...

I've talked about the lack or proper care available to people living on the fringe; the poor, the ethnic, gays, etc..  You might think being on the flip side of that would be better.  That's not always the case.  

The wealthy can afford & access treatment, but sometimes, it goes way beyond that & you wind up with what's referred to VIP Syndrome.  This is when someone of an elevated station receives different care & standard than the average person.  Mind you, I wrote different, not better. 

People can be blinded by other's stations; fame, power or wealth.   They may make decisions they normally wouldn't for this VIP,  That's not always a good thing.   In fact, they suspect this may have been at least in part responsible for the death of Prince.  The same is thought in the deaths of Michael Jackson, Joan Rivers & even Eleanor Roosevelt.    

This doesn't just happen in medical situations,  It's been known to happen in a myriad of environments, including aviation.  The 2010 crash of the Polish aircraft Tu-154 is thought to have been caused by VIP treatment of the flight specifics. 

The point here is simple.  No matter what the field, treating people in any other fashion than the norm can be dangerous & even deadly.  The poor shouldn't be endangered due to their lack of finances.  The rich & powerful shouldn't be risked because of their affluence.   

Just treat people the same.  I know that will never happen, but still, it'd be nice & apparently safer.


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