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Thursday, June 9, 2016

In the 90's....

We hit the 90's yesterday for the 1st time this year.  It's been humid enough a few days to give us a heat index into the 90's, but yesterday was the actual temp.   It looks like the 80's are in the rear-view mirror for the foreseeable future.  

This is vexing for me.  I don't want to be overly hot & have to spend $ on the AC.  Then again, hot weather will kill the grass & bugs.  It's that silver lining thing again.  I just hope we don't get horribly hot this Summer.

It would be nice to get hot enough to drive off all the allergens & bugs.  We haven't really gotten out of allergy season in 2 years.  A break would be appreciated.

Still, we made it until the 2nd week of June before hitting the 90's.


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