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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Just Stupid...

I keep reading reports about casual sex being on the rise in gay culture, nothing new there.  But, also that condom usage is going down.   Besides just being plain idiotic, some are going without protection because of PrEP. 

This is so very STUPID!  Only somewhere between 5 - 10 % of gay men are presumed to be on PrEP.  How will you know if they are?  Are they taking the regimen daily?   Are you?  

PrEP has already failed & will do so again.  Each time you opt not to use a condom, you're adding to your odds of contracting an STD.   Oh yes, I said STD, not just HIV.    PrEP doesn't do a thing against other STD's.

Just use a damn condom.


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