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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Little Things...

Yesterday, we had to have a pull chain switch replaced in our NEW ceiling fan.  It really wasn't a big deal, but it was.  It was yet another thing that had to  be handled.  It was another thing eating cash.  It was another source of stress.

It's fixed.  It didn't cost us a lot, but enough to pay most a water bill or a tank of gas.   It was $ I wish we hadn't had to be spend fixing something less than 3 month old.  It's over & it was dealt with. Still, it was stressful.  It was something we didn't need at the moment.

These are those little things in life you can't really predict.  You can only deal with them the best you can.  Ir's things like this that make laugh when doctors tell you to watch your stress.  

Never let some one tell something was just a little thing.  It may have been something small, but you still had to deal with it.  It may have taken all you had to give or more than you were capable of giving.  Some times the small things are actually worse than the big stuff.


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