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Tuesday, June 7, 2016


The articles are still fairly scant.  I skimmed through a lot of them & most of the them are repeats.   The concept of CRISPR or gene editing HIV is still  in the news, but the matter keeps getting contradicted on its effectiveness.  

The UK military is surprised to find an abundance of soldiers & sailors have STD's & HIV.   Even though, according to some condoms are readily available.    It seems the unwillingness to use condoms is at least in part the reason for the spread of these illnesses.

The UK NHS is being scolded for refusing to fund PrEP.  Yet another place where Truvada isn't seen as the silver bullet.  You can bet Gilead whipped the activists into a fervor of the NHS's decision.

An HIV vaccine study in Oregon is nearing human trial stage.  I don't usually report on vaccines.  They usually fail & only get people's hopes dashed.  Even if it does work, it won't help those living with HIV already.  

That's all for now.


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