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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Different POV...

I said I'd just blog about the Orlando Shooting just once.  I haven't changed my mind on that.   But this article, isn't about the shooting.  It's about the level of stigma against being gay in Afghan & Muslim cultures.   It discusses how gays are treated in these places.  It tells of how some of these people would sooner kill themselves than let it be known they were gay. 

The shooting may have been by a man conflicted over his sexuality.    He may have been looking to cover his orientation via suicide by cop.    That doesn't really matter.  It illustrates how stigmatized being gay is in these cultures.    It shows the fear, anger & hatred these religions have against gay people.  

Some of these people would choose death over a life being gay,  They choose that due to fear, anger, shame & hatred.  These things their cultures & religions shove down their throats.  The actions these people take to end their lives are the direct results of their upbringings.  They were murdered by the faith & heritage.  

What a legacy.


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