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Wednesday, June 1, 2016


This article discussed how over 2,000 people in India were infected with HIV due to blood transfusions.  If not for an activist's curiosity this may have never be known.  The activist wanted to know what  medical institutions in India were doing to ensure a safe blood supply.  What he wound was little to nothing was being done in most places.  Even though there is an abundance of awareness on the matter & the means to screen the blood.  

These numbers were just from around 17 months.  Imagine how many others have been impacted by this lack of oversight & screening since the epidemic started decades ago.  The numbers are genuinely frightening.

You might be safe in your little corner of the world.  But to assume  others are equally safe is false & dangerous.  These assumptions could risk your health & that of others.   Even a single individual who is unknowingly + could be the epicenter of a massive number of transmissions.  We don't see all the ripples of out intentional actions, how could we know those of our unintended doings?

Until the whole world is on the same page on how to handle HIV it will never be a war we can win.


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