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Friday, June 24, 2016


Occasionally, I see articles or hear discussions on  how there aren't enough people with HIV shown on TV or in films.   1st off, there are + people shown, just not many.  How many do we need? 

2nd, I'm not sure I want to see + people on TV.  How will they portray us?   Will we be stupid, slutty or victims?    I've seen how they handle gay people & that's not been great.  

Although HIV is a huge illness, it's not like everyone has it  or that half the folks on TV should be +.  I simply don't trust TV producers to present people living with the virus in an accurate way across the spectrum of people who have it from rich to poor, urban to rural & every color you can think of.  

HIV should be a topic of many conversations.  But it shouldn't be entertainment.  Or worse, product placement for meds.  


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