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Thursday, June 16, 2016


Yesterday was the 1st day of the year we turned on the AC.  It was 96 F with a heat index of 103.  It felt worse earlier when it was 89 with a heat index of 101.  We hold out for as long as we can, but at some point, it's just too much for our health,  It's also hard on the appliances & cats.   

I know a lot of people turn their AC on when it hits the high 70's.  I'd love to have had it on earlier, but we simply can't afford the bill.  So, we get by with open windows & fans as long as we can.   I count us lucky we held out until mid June.  

It looks to be in the upper 90's for the rest of the month.  I hope this isn't another  ridiculously hot Summer.  Hey, maybe the grass will die off.  I can at least hope for that.


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