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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Post Whatever....

Post this, post that.  People are happy to tack that desciptor onto anything, usually just to come off as cool or with-it, mostly hipsterish.   It's annoying when most people use it.  They hear post industrial or postmodern  & think they can tack the word onto anything & make it edgy.  How tiresome.  

I wish I could tell you I was post-HIV.  I can't & no one else can until  the virus cured & gone from our lives forever.   What I am, is post the initial shock of it all.

My roomie wrote a post yesterday concerning a life altering health matter that occurred 2 years ago.  Some people might think. "Isn't she past this 2 years later?"   I said & meant, life altering.  This event changed a lot for her.  

I didn't start my blog until  2011.  I was diagnosed in 2000.  He event happened in 2014.  It's going to take some time for her to move past the matter or should I say be post-it?   She may never be.  Life changing is just that, life changing.  It's a cause for a myriad of emotions from joy to grief.

If you've gone through something life altering give yourself time.  You old life may be in the past but you're still here.  You have to give yourself time to learn what this new life is all about.


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