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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Fringe Hate...

This article isn't directly about HIV.  It's about the systemic under-reporting of hate crimes in this country.  This article primary deals with crimes against people of color, but also notes many other groups are targets as well, including gays.  

In this country, even though we have hate crime laws, most people don't want to admit hate motivated the actions of the perpetrator.   Somehow simply avoiding that admission is supposed to make it better.  But when the target is the black relative of civil rights activist on Martin Luther King day, it's hard for that not to be considered hateful.

The majority population doesn't want to realize how much hate they harbor for others or the "them".   They don't want to look in the mirror & see the seething thing that loathes others so badly as to bring them harm simply because they aren't the same.    Yoda was right.  

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.     Yoda - The Phantom Menace


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