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Thursday, June 30, 2016

So Long June...

This is it, June 2016 is done.  July will be here in less than 12 hours.  June was hotter than I'd liked,  but  at least it killed most the grass & a lot of the bugs.  On the downside, we enter Summer minus 4" of rain.  There's going to be a lot of grass fires this summer.

June marked the 1st full month of a whole year without any porch cats.  It's still weird there aren't any out there waiting for food.  There are 4 neighborhood cats that come through occasionally.  It's nice to see them play in the yard or lounge under the shrubs.  

It's bright out.  I needed a season that wasn't just a drearfest.  I'll be wanting some cloud cover come August, but for now, I like the light.  It helps me out me a lot. especially waking up in the morning. 

Until next year June.


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