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Monday, June 6, 2016

Post Symptoms & Change...

It'll be a quiet day for me. My roomie is in Tulsa for an appointment.  She's been apprehensive about this meeting.  It's a followup to keep tabs on a health scare she had a while back.  It was bad enough to be called life-changing, definitely altering.  Each followup is a reminder of that.

Adding to that, her previous doctor abruptly retired.  This will be her 1st appointment with a new physician concerning an intimate topic.  I can sympathize with her on this to an extent.   Not too long ago, I tried a new doctor to see if I could get a specialist closer to where I  live.  It didn't go well, actually it was fairly awful.  Even so, I was never as exposed as my roomie will have to be.

New & intimate aren't things people who dislike change want to deal with, especially if they're not comfortable with people to begin with.  I can get that.  She went up with a friend & it'll be a lengthy trip.  I'll be here.  Hopefully, all goes well. 


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