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Wednesday, January 13, 2016


This article is in response to a judge's statement on a case involving an HIV + man.  The man, Ricky Webster, engaged in sexual activity with some girls and didn't tell them of his HIV status.  I'm not removing their responsibility in this matter.  They should've demanded condoms.  However, he was wrong for not telling them he was +.  The judge stated.

This ranks as the most cowardly of human acts... what Ricky Webster did, was to steal the lives of those young girls. 
The writer, Mayo Schreiber, Jr. (an attorney dealing with HIV policy) pitched a little fit.  He said the girls lives hadn't been stolen.  They hadn't been assaulted.   He continued on to tell of the way this judge's statements might impact others living with HIV.   I wonder if this lawyer's crying foul was genuine or just to stir up publicity.

As a person living with HIV, the type of people this attorney is expressing concern for, I totally agree with the judge.  Mr.  Webster did not have the right not to reveal he was + to his sexual partners.  If those girls are +, then he did steal the lives they had.  The lawyer has a very narrow interpretation of what is an assault. 

The person who did the harm to people living with HIV wasn't the judge.  It was Mr. Webster & his actions.  To a lesser extent, it was this attorney for pot stirring & making the HIV+ community look as if we can't take responsibility for our actions.   Mr Schreiber, your comments were not accurate or representative of all people living with HIV.  Thanks anyway.


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