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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Proteins, What...

There are some newish reports coming out about how a protein in HIV is rewriting human genes to advance the virus into the AIDS stage.   This isn't exactly new information.  We've known HIV does this for over a decade.  But, it's necessary to understand how HIV works & therefore fight it.

It may be easier for many to look at this as a computer issue.  Computers are proabably better understood by most people than genetics.   HIV is like a computer virus. Your genes/body are the programs & apps it targets.  

If you wish to continue this. then abstinence is like not connecting to the internet.  Condoms are firewalls.  Safer sex practices are just like the web surfing practices you should employ to protect your system.   HIV testing is like scanning & meds are like post-infection computer programs to rid the system of the malware.  Some would say that PrEP is like an anti-virus shield.

HIV is malware that affects hardware, your body.  Once the hardware is damaged, it may be possible to repair it, but possibly not.  HIV, unlike most malware, can't be completely removed from the system & will always be there even when treated.  It will lurk until the conditions are right for it to thrive again. 

If this happened with a real computer, we would probably just dispose of it.  Unfortunately, that's not an option with our bodies.  Until HIV is curable, the virus is a permanent condition. Retroviruses are nothing more than biological malware with a sole directive, flourish.  It is designed to survive, grow & spread.  

Remember that next time someone can't understand HIV.  


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