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Monday, August 31, 2015

Good Bye August, Good Bye Year...

Today is the last day of August & my personal year.  Tomorrow will be September & I'll be another year older.  I'm not excited about either.   I'm glad August is leaving, it's been stressful.  But, the fact it's leaving & I still have no answers from my specialist makes this frustrating.

I really don't care about the age thing.  It's just a number, other than the fact it increases my chances for bad things to happen.   I can't say this has been a bad year.  But, it's been a stressful time.  

I got a letter from my dentist office today.  They're merging with another company.  I have to admit, this makes me nervous.  I called & they said it shouldn't impact me in any way.  We'll see about that.  
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow,   What a way to start the new year.  It's just a standard visit, so nothing to worry about. 

I'm ending this month seriously pissed at my specialist.   This isn't a good time of year for me.  I always get stressed & nervous.  I hope this isn't an indication of how things will go this time around. 

Good bye August...


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