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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cool Down...

After yesterday's rains, the temps dropped into the 50's F overnight.  It seriously chilled things.  We're not done with the Summer temps just yet, but its looking unlikely we'll see another 100+ day this season. 

I'm on a count down again.  I only have 12 days left in this year of my life,  My birthday is the beginning September.   I'm not sure what we'll do for it.  That depends on what all's going on at the time.  Sometimes we have to wait a bit until something decent comes along to do.  I'm OK with that,  I'd rather wait for something fun, then do something not fun on my actual birthday.

The cool weather has put the cats into a deep sleep.  Even deeper than normal.  They've been sluggish from the Summer heat.   Time for them to catch up on their cat naps.

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the weather.


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