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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Uncalled For Stress...

I don't need the stressors I have They do nasty things to my sleep, digestion & overall health.  Doctors tell  chronically ill patients is to watch their stress levels,    Telling someone not to stress about something, is the surest way to make sure they do.

Last night before going to bed, I checked my email.   There was an email from my car insurance company.  They said I hadn't signed something yet & if I didn't soon, it could impact my insurance.

But, they never sent me anything to sign.  I searched my paperwork & there were no requests or signature forms.  I tried to call.

That failed, their lines were overloaded.  I tired their website.  That also failed due to congestion.   I found an alternate number & couldn't get a representative after being on hold for 30 minutes.  I called again & finally heard a message saying the email was a mistake.

What?  You caused me to panic over this & its a mistake.  Great I don''t have to do anything other than figure out how to calm down so I can sleep.  I figured I'd still call them to insure I'd heard everything correctly.

This morning there was another email confirming the error & no further action needed to be taken.  Thanks a lot for the stress jerks.   I didn't need that at all.  Right now, I'm still dealing with an elevated stress level over this.  


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