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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Rainy Morning...

I had a hard time waking up this morning.  It was dark & raining.  It'd been raining lightly for some time.  We've easily passed our August average for rain.    This weather is letting me sleep deeper than I'm used to.   I usually only sleep like this when its cooler.  Now, I'm sleeping like I do in Summer & that combination is leaving me stiff in the morning.

I was reading articles & I came across the idea again that 2015 is the year there will more people living with HIV over 50, than under.  I'm not sure if the assumption has held out, but if it has, that's really huge.  Some of those people have been living with this virus for over 30 years.  

This is really changing the game in dealing with HIV.   These people will be combining their HIV with aging related issues.  That's bound to get tricky & probably difficult to handle.  Comorbidity is common for those enduring chronic illnesses.  But, combining a chronic illness with a natural process, such as aging, is sure to be irksome.

I guess that's what we get for getting old.


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