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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Policy Failures...

I read headlines stating HIV transmissions rates are rising.  The writers seem so shocked.  Why?

The efforts established to fight HIV during the 80's & 90's have been abandoned or underfunded so they can no longer operate.  The government stepped up the abysmal failure of abstinence only propaganda & systematically defunded programs educating about HIV.  Those providing testing, counseling & assistance have also been gutted.  Often by the allegedly well meaning Affordable Care Act.

They've moved towards a treatment as prevention  strategy.  I still call BS on this approach.   To treat them, you have to test them.  To test them, you have to make them aware of the situation enough to go get tested.  Treatment as prevention is a failure.

The only thing this approach supports is the pharmaceutical companies, like the 1 making Truvada.  You know, the PrEP drug.   Its catching on so well.  Sarcasm.

We had a plan. We had a working method.  But apparently funding big pharma was more important.  So, of course the transmission rates are climbing.   


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