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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ridiculous Article...

This "article" & I use that term very lightly, poses the question what does post-HIV, gay culture look like.   I read it because it could've been an excellent topic & conversation starter.  It wasn't.

Mr. Aviance, the author, normally writes on music.  OK, he's still entitled to his 2¢ on the matter.  I thought maybe he might have an unique perspective. I was wrong.

This is entire article is about his fear.  He's  anti-Truvada.  I get that, so am I.  But his opposition, is to the idea that people who want to use PrEP don't want to use condoms.  They want to "bareback."  Well, Duh!

To him, this is not only a dangerous thing to engage in sexually,  It's also a way means by which he distinguishes sluts & stupid people.  He's a prude.

This bigot is worried in a world without HIV or very little risk of the illness, gay men will stop using condoms.  This behavior will be seen as perfectly acceptable, like it was before HIV.  How ever will he judge people?

I oppose Truvada over concerns about the potential harm it may cause, that many won't use it properly & the fact it's just a giant kick in revenue for Gilead.  I think there's more concern for profits than health.  This man is worried about whose intelligence he can question & who he can slut-shame. 

Mr. J. Nelson Aviance; writer, opera singer & musiciologist, if this is really your opinion, then you're an absolute ass.  If your concern is over which people you may no longer be able to judge, then to hell with you.  I find your article disgusting.

I hope there is a day people can stop using condoms out of fear of transmitting illnesses.  I hope this because it might save lives.  I hope this because all the disapproving dolts' heads will explode in horror.  I hope this so people will have 1 less thing to use  in judgement of others.

I realize, I was judgy in this post.  That's my issue to deal with. I posted this at a single individual.  The author of that article is worried about how to judge the gay community.  I still have my issues with Truvada, but they were never about people being Truvada-whores.

Way to go Mr. Aviance, push to hold on to something just to divide our community.  What a jerk.


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