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Monday, August 17, 2015

Another Day In August...

There's not much going on for me today.  I'm doing some household stuff & waiting for a call.  I got voicemail when I called my specialist's office in Tulsa.  Hopefully, they'll call soon.  It'd be nice if they have good news.  I really don't want to have to change doctors.  But, the drives to Tulsa are expensive & exhausting. 

I really don't have anything to add to what I blogged about yesterday.  At least, not yet.  Reality is pretty sucky when you don't have any fantasies or goals left. 

I made myself stop wearing a watch in the 90's.  I'd count the seconds until something was over.  That's how I got through life.  In college, if I hated a teacher or a class, I'd tell myself there are only so many weeks or class meetings left & then it will be over with.  I can get through things when I know there's an ending.  The only ending I'm seeing for this situation is fairly final.  

Enough of that for now.


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