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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Small Wonders...

I haven't been in the best of places lately.  So, I'm going to do what I can to recognize the good things that do manage to come my way.  Even the 1's that should just be a given.  

Yesterday, my meds delivery arrived & miracle or miracles, somehow the order was correct & complete.  I know it's a little thing, but my order hasn't been complete in months.  This is the 1st time in half a year that didn't require me making multiple calls to my pharmacy & my doctor's office only to still have the order botched.  It happens so often the UPS driver laughs about it & can generally guess if my package is too light to be the full order.

I know it's a small thing, but its what I have.  I'm very happy, I didn't have to fight over this 1 particular pharmacy refill,  Yeah me!


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