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Monday, August 24, 2015

Off Morning...

There was heavy cloud cover & rain last night.  It made the morning dreary.  I don't do well on these mornings.   Its difficult for me to wake up with so little light.  Its also the time I'm most apt to have stress dreams.

These dreams aren't nightmares,  They may have some horrific elements, but they aren't scary.  They're sometimes repulsive & disheartening, but they're always stressful & tiring.   They can be about anything or nothing really at all, other than a sense of stress.  I hate them

I woke up a little before 6 this morning & had to go to the bathroom.  I laid back down & the stress dream set in.  I woke a little over an hour later, but I felt like I hadn't slept all night.  I was & still am tired from this damn dream.  These things sap your energy.

Half the time, I can't even remember what they were about.  Still, I'm left exhausted & borderline panicky.  It generally takes all day to get passed them.  I hate these things.  I wish I could tell  you how to handle them, but I don't have a clue.  If I figure out, I'll post about it.


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