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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter Is Upon Us...

It was fairly chilly this morning.   It was the 1st time over a  month the water I leave for the outdoor cats was frozen at all.  We probably won't make it to 30 F today.  I'm fine with that.  I'm not fine with all the humidity that's sticking around.  

By Wednesday we're supposed to have overnight temperatures down into the mid-teens.   I put more blankets on my bed this morning.  This cold, wet stuff is what leads to problems for me, mostly chilblains.  I've complained about these before.  I normally don't get them until like February, but I'm already dealing with them due to all the humidity.  

Hopefully, this cold will kill off all the unwanted bugs & weeds.  Most of my yard is still green.  With any luck, it won't be a nasty Winter & have ice storms & major temperature plummets, fingers crossed.


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