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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Oh Please...

This "article" is about a university professor who claims Craigslist contributed to an over 15% increase in the spread of HIV, because people used it to arrange meetings for sex.   I have a lot of problems with this.  1st off, duh!, people use Craigslist for hookups.  That's probably it's most common use.

The man seemed shocked & offended people were use this site for cruising.  What rock was he hiding under?  His "morality" was overly apparent.  The alleged study was done by a information science prof, using business-esque models.  This was not an overly scientific study nor was it even published in anything relating to health or medicine.

This study looked at a single factor, hookups arranged via Craigslist & didn't even do that well.  It didn't distinguish between orientations or genders.  This "study" is by no means conclusive of anything.  It didn't take into consideration other factors occurring during the time, understand it's population or take into account, Craigslist was only 1 of many such hook up sites.  

Today, this site is too outdated for most.  Its been replaced by other mobile apps.  Where's the big outrage against them?

I really hate these articles that think they've found something big.  When all they really did was bump into something, that was already known.   Often they misinterpret the data because of issues with sampling.  That seems to be the case here.

Crap article.


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