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Saturday, January 24, 2015


There's a little, black cat outside my window staring at me.  (S)He, has been lurking since it was a kitten back in August.  It will watch me & sometimes even scratch at the door if hungry.  Still, there will be no touching of the LBC.    

We've decided to call it Hex.  It fits whether the cat is a boy or a girl.   As far as I know Hex has never been touched by a human.  She likes staring at the indoor cats.    I can normally get outdoor cats to come to me, but not this kitty.

I'd like to have caught Hex, earlier, I might've been able to have found it a home.    Now, I'd like to get Hex fixed.   Alas, that requires catching the cat.  The neighbor had out cat traps for a while, because he hates everything,  but she never went near the trap.

For now, I'll do what I can for Hex.  That may or may not be enough.  Still, its all I can do.


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