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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Just Another Tuesday...

Not much is going on here today.   I'm fine by that.  We've had a lot going on for quite a while & it's nice to be post holidays.  There are no special expectations for today.  We're just looking forward to staying inside & trying to stay warm.   

That probably sounds lame to a lot of people.  But after this year, doing nothing is fairly recuperative.  A little downtime is good for you.

It may be colder, but at least it's drier as well.  I'm reasonably happy, there's been sunshine today.  Yes!  Too bad that the lack of cloud cover will lead to us getting seriously cold tomorrow night.  Oh well, can't have it all.  I'd rather have the light right now.  I'm over dreary days.

Stay warm & safe wherever you are. 


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