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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Trash Day...

Its warming up a little.  I'm starting to feel better, still a little off, but better than I was.  Tomorrow is going to be a bit busy for us.  I have a dentist appointment & then I have to pick up my roomie from her friend's.  

Nothing big, but more than a typical Thursday lately.  Hopefully all goes well,  With any luck this will be my last crown.  I thought that the last time, but yet another tooth issue arose. 

The new year is well underway.  We've handled most of January's bills & have a couple of appointments left.  So far, 2015 is being nicer than 2014.  That wouldn't have been too difficult to accomplish though.  

The trash is out & I have things to do, so I'll end this for now.  Have a great day.  


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