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Friday, January 16, 2015


The dentist finished my crown yesterday.  Hopefully, the last 1 I'll need for quite a while.   Since last night, the new crown has proven to be a bit sensitive.   That's not uncommon, but its still jarring.  Its like a small electric shock in the outer part of my tooth heading into my sinuses. It'll pass, but for now it's a little disconcerting.

We had some shopping to do this morning.  That went well enough.  We're supposed to warm up over the next few days.  We might actually hit 60 F.

That may seem nice, but the abruptness of it won't be.   If we're lucky, the pollen won't jump up with the sudden warmth.  I doubt we'll be that fortunate.  Oh well, we're done for the week.  NO more plans or outings.  Yay!


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