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Monday, January 19, 2015

Possibly Sick...

The friend my roomie visited last Thursday called with news she'd been to the ER for the flu.  This could be problematic, she has a child & an infant.  My roomie was over there during the possible incubation time.   The virus normally incubates between 1 - 4 days, but can take longer in some people.  

Now, my roomie is having to watch her own health.  So far, there's been no sign of the flu.  I hoping it doesn't show.   I've had my flu shot, but it's not working well this year, only somewhere between 25 - 50% effective according to most things I've read.  

It'll mean a quick trip to the doctor if she shows nay signs.  Then I'll have to watch myself.  With any luck, her friend contracted the virus after she was visiting.   We'll just have to wait & see.  

The problem right now is we've both been feeling a little under the weather already.  Mostly seasonal  crap, nothing flu-like so far.  Hopefully, we'll stir clear of it.


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