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Monday, January 26, 2015

First Last Monday...

This is the last Monday of January.  The 1st month of the year is wrapping up.  So far, this has been a much better year for me & mine.  By this time last year, we were headed to some pretty scary health places.  That was mostly my roomie's situation & I didn't blog about it for quite a while.  I didn't feel it was my place to blog about her health issues, especially those she had yet to come to terms with in her life.  

I had high hopes for 2014.  In some ways it delivered.  It wasn't easy.  However, the fact my roomie went through her ordeal last year, probably saved her life.  You have to take the good where you can.

My room can be unpleasant sometimes in regards to temperature, depending on the season.   But, I have double windows on 2 walls.  I look directly out a set & the other is to my right.  I get to watch nature change & see the various animals do their thing outdoors.  Does it make up for all the cold & hot?  Maybe not.  But, I'd probably still be hot or cold in any other room & not get to see these things.

For what's worth, thanks January 2015 for being better than your predecessor.   Hopefully, the rest of the year will follow suit.


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