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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Warm Sunday...

Its nearly 65 F here.  Unfortunately, that's waking up bugs & putting the junipers into pollen production mode.   This is being a bit rough on the head.  

I looked outside earlier & saw some wasps buzzing.  Really, wasps in January?  The grass is actually high enough to be mowed.  OK, Winter do your thing & kill off the grass & bugs.  At least drive them back a bit.

May next door neighbor has a thing for leaving his outdoor lights on all night.  These things are way too bright.   Right now he's mounting something on his detached garage.  Its either another blasted light or a camera.  I can't tell which.  He acts paranoid enough to think he needs a camera on his driveway.  Strange man.

Not much going on here today.  I'm making some beans & that's about it other than some cleaning.  I'll write more tomorrow.


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