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Friday, January 30, 2015

Last Friday...

There's only 1 day left in January.  We're 8.5% through 2015.  That's sorta scary how fast this month has gone.  

My roomie is trying something new.  I think it'll go well.  It does me altering our schedule, but what doesn't these days.  

This is a considerable step for her, considering where she was  a year ago.  I do think her new endeavor will be go well.  However, even if it doesn't, that's still good.  

How, you ask?  That's easy.  Last year or even 6 months ago, she probably wouldn't have taken this opportunity.  Now she did.  So, even if she doesn't succeed at this, at least she tried.  That's more than a lot of us ever do.  

She's sees some hope in this.  With any luck, it'll pan out well.  She could  use some good news this year.  

I'll wrap this up, so I can handle somethings here.  Then I have to run over & pick her up.  More tomorrow.


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