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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Busy Dentist Day...

I have somethings to get done before I head out of here.  I don't have  a lot of time today.  I've got to get cleaned up & head out to my dentist.  I hope this is my last crown, at least for quite a while.   These damn things are expensive.   After that I've got to pick up my roomie.

The problem is for years I din't have any regular dental care.  Add to that, HIV & some HIV meds are not friendly to your teeth.  I've gotten myself a fairly expensive mouth.   These teeth have cost me a small fortune.  

If you haven't & you're +, you should do some research on dental care & HIV.  I've talked about it a bit in the past.  Not only can HIV affect your teeth, but your dental health can impact your overall health & well-being.  

I know its expensive, but its important.  You may have to do like I did & spread it out over several years.  I've been at this since 2008.  But most of the major work is over.

I've gotta get...


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