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Friday, January 2, 2015

Soggy Second...

It's the 2nd of January 2015 & its been drizzling for most the morning & the night before.  At least, its not freezing into sleet or slush.  It's a little chilly, but not too bad, considering its January.

I have to go over to Fort Smith later.  Its my roomie's 1st visit to her friend's house of the new year.  I suppose that should be important.   I wonder if there'll be music & confetti.  There should definitely be music & confetti, oh & dancing probably on table tops with feather boas, crops & little hats.  Now that'd be a sight.

I hope your new year still has that new year smell to it.  Make it last, keep it tidy.  We won't get a new model for over 360 days.


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