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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Trash Day...

We've taken the trash to the curb & that was our big production of the day.   I'm feeling better.  However, if there's 1 thing I've learned living with HIV, it's not to push things.  I can be bad about that.  

I can think I'm passed something & start off too soon only to get sick again.  I think I can handle a task, only to have the exertion exhaust me & leave me susceptible to whatever comes my way.  

Living with HIV, means learning to balance things.  Its not easy.  It comes from trial & error, lot's of error.  You often have to reaccess  what your current abilities are at the moment.  Very little is a given when you're +.

Its can very difficult as a + person to accept your limitations.   But, overdoing it & exerting your resources can seriously harm your health.  Maybe people who were diagnosed & treated earlier than I was have less issues with such things.  I don't know.  It's your body, your experience with HIV, so you'll have to make your own calls on these things.


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