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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Oh Please...

This "article" is about a university professor who claims Craigslist contributed to an over 15% increase in the spread of HIV, because people used it to arrange meetings for sex.   I have a lot of problems with this.  1st off, duh!, people use Craigslist for hookups.  That's probably it's most common use.

The man seemed shocked & offended people were use this site for cruising.  What rock was he hiding under?  His "morality" was overly apparent.  The alleged study was done by a information science prof, using business-esque models.  This was not an overly scientific study nor was it even published in anything relating to health or medicine.

This study looked at a single factor, hookups arranged via Craigslist & didn't even do that well.  It didn't distinguish between orientations or genders.  This "study" is by no means conclusive of anything.  It didn't take into consideration other factors occurring during the time, understand it's population or take into account, Craigslist was only 1 of many such hook up sites.  

Today, this site is too outdated for most.  Its been replaced by other mobile apps.  Where's the big outrage against them?

I really hate these articles that think they've found something big.  When all they really did was bump into something, that was already known.   Often they misinterpret the data because of issues with sampling.  That seems to be the case here.

Crap article.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Last Friday...

There's only 1 day left in January.  We're 8.5% through 2015.  That's sorta scary how fast this month has gone.  

My roomie is trying something new.  I think it'll go well.  It does me altering our schedule, but what doesn't these days.  

This is a considerable step for her, considering where she was  a year ago.  I do think her new endeavor will be go well.  However, even if it doesn't, that's still good.  

How, you ask?  That's easy.  Last year or even 6 months ago, she probably wouldn't have taken this opportunity.  Now she did.  So, even if she doesn't succeed at this, at least she tried.  That's more than a lot of us ever do.  

She's sees some hope in this.  With any luck, it'll pan out well.  She could  use some good news this year.  

I'll wrap this up, so I can handle somethings here.  Then I have to run over & pick her up.  More tomorrow.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Things To Do...

We did some shopping & a run to the post office then morning.   We're having a change in our schedule for the upcoming months.  I'll be heading out later for a  little bit.  I just wanted to get this handled before that.  

My meds were actually delivered to the post office.  My pharmacy doesn't understand what the problem was that they sent med drugs on the wrong day via the wrong method.  As far as they're concerned it's no harm, no foul.  CVS Caremark, you seriously suck. At least I have them now.  I post more tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


My doctor's appointment went as expected.  It was a a touch base type thing, nothing special.  Unfortunately. my pharmacy has struck again.  

My order was supposed to arrive February the 2nd via UPS.  Instead, the USPS tried to deliver it today while I was out.  I missed it, so I'll have to make a special trip to the post office to get it,  

As usual the pharmacy's screw up, but my problem.  This hasn't left me in the best of moods,   I blog more tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I'm not sure what hit me yesterday afternoon, but I felt like crap.  It was most digestive issues & nausea  I can only guess it was the low grade fever I'd been sporting for over a week.  My allergies have probably given me a slight sinus infection.   Low grade fevers always tire me out & wear me down.    The sinus drip was really upsetting my stomach, my meds weren't helping any on that matter.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.   Its a routine visit.  I should be in & out.  Hopefully, I won't have to wait too long for him to get in to see me.  You never know.

I'm feeling better for now, but I'm still worn out from this mess.  Our weather is so screwed up right now.  I saw a girl yesterday riding her bike wearing shorts.  Its shorts weather in January.  

I post more tomorrow.


Monday, January 26, 2015

First Last Monday...

This is the last Monday of January.  The 1st month of the year is wrapping up.  So far, this has been a much better year for me & mine.  By this time last year, we were headed to some pretty scary health places.  That was mostly my roomie's situation & I didn't blog about it for quite a while.  I didn't feel it was my place to blog about her health issues, especially those she had yet to come to terms with in her life.  

I had high hopes for 2014.  In some ways it delivered.  It wasn't easy.  However, the fact my roomie went through her ordeal last year, probably saved her life.  You have to take the good where you can.

My room can be unpleasant sometimes in regards to temperature, depending on the season.   But, I have double windows on 2 walls.  I look directly out a set & the other is to my right.  I get to watch nature change & see the various animals do their thing outdoors.  Does it make up for all the cold & hot?  Maybe not.  But, I'd probably still be hot or cold in any other room & not get to see these things.

For what's worth, thanks January 2015 for being better than your predecessor.   Hopefully, the rest of the year will follow suit.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Windy Sunday...

Not much going on today.  I'm glad.  We're in another upswing in temperatures, back up to 60 F.  This weather switching has left me worse for wear.  My sinuses & chilblains are acting up.  Its the 1st month of Winter, it should be cold, but I've got grass trying to grow.   

The wind's been blowing since last night,  It's stirring up quite a bit of stuff.   The internet's being acting a little weird.  Its already dropped once today  I'll wrap this up before it stops again.  

Be well & comfortable.


Saturday, January 24, 2015


There's a little, black cat outside my window staring at me.  (S)He, has been lurking since it was a kitten back in August.  It will watch me & sometimes even scratch at the door if hungry.  Still, there will be no touching of the LBC.    

We've decided to call it Hex.  It fits whether the cat is a boy or a girl.   As far as I know Hex has never been touched by a human.  She likes staring at the indoor cats.    I can normally get outdoor cats to come to me, but not this kitty.

I'd like to have caught Hex, earlier, I might've been able to have found it a home.    Now, I'd like to get Hex fixed.   Alas, that requires catching the cat.  The neighbor had out cat traps for a while, because he hates everything,  but she never went near the trap.

For now, I'll do what I can for Hex.  That may or may not be enough.  Still, its all I can do.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Mental State...

I'm not going to point to any specific article today.  There's been a recent influx of reports regarding the mental health of gay men & their likelihood of contracting HIV.  These  mental health issues ranged from depression to addiction.  There is agreement in these articles these conditions increase the likelihood of a gay man becoming +.  I just 1 thing to say to that...


Of course these things contribute to becoming +.   I would be surprised if the same didn't hold out for every sampling population, not just gay men.   Mental illness is just another factor affecting decision making ability.  It also further isolates us, therefore marginalizes the person suffering from the condition. 

I've talked repeatedly about how marginalizing & isolating a person put them at risk for HIV & just about every other bad thing out there.  Whether its being clinically depressed, schizophrenic, or  an addict, it all impairs your reasoning & contributes to risky behavior taking.  

There's nothing new being said here.  If this is news to these researchers, then we've got serious problems.  It is almost certainly not only applicable to the gay community either.  Anything that marginalizes a person puts them at risk for a host of issues & 1 of those is  HIV.

No news here.


Thursday, January 22, 2015


My wellness goals have plateaued a bit.  The weather did a downswing in temperature & it began raining.  It could've been freezing rain according to the forecast.   At least we were fortunate enough not to get that.   Still the change in temperature & humidity has left me feeling a little worse than yesterday.  

We're back to dreary, wet days.   Its by no means frigid, but after several days in the 60's F, these wet 30's feel abruptly unpleasant.   Makes you just want to dive back under the covers.

The trash was picked up & the rain has washed away some of the allergens.  There's that at least.   Still my throat is warning me, I"m on the verge of a seriously sore throat.   Hopefully, that'll be all it is.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Trash Day...

We've taken the trash to the curb & that was our big production of the day.   I'm feeling better.  However, if there's 1 thing I've learned living with HIV, it's not to push things.  I can be bad about that.  

I can think I'm passed something & start off too soon only to get sick again.  I think I can handle a task, only to have the exertion exhaust me & leave me susceptible to whatever comes my way.  

Living with HIV, means learning to balance things.  Its not easy.  It comes from trial & error, lot's of error.  You often have to reaccess  what your current abilities are at the moment.  Very little is a given when you're +.

Its can very difficult as a + person to accept your limitations.   But, overdoing it & exerting your resources can seriously harm your health.  Maybe people who were diagnosed & treated earlier than I was have less issues with such things.  I don't know.  It's your body, your experience with HIV, so you'll have to make your own calls on these things.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sniffles & Aches...

My allergies are acting up quite a bit.  This unseasonably warm weather we're having has stirred up quite a bit pollen.  The wind's been blowing & stirring up dust & the like.   I've been alternating between being congested & leaky.   My eyes are itchy & muscles achy.  If I keep that up, I'll have a Seuss poem.  

All this mess left me with a nose bleed this morning.  I'm not as achy as I have been the last few days, but I'm still stiff.  This head cold crap makes it hard to focus on blogging.  My typing is appalling right now.  Hopefully, we've dodged the flu issue, we'll see. 

Stay safe, healthy & warm.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Possibly Sick...

The friend my roomie visited last Thursday called with news she'd been to the ER for the flu.  This could be problematic, she has a child & an infant.  My roomie was over there during the possible incubation time.   The virus normally incubates between 1 - 4 days, but can take longer in some people.  

Now, my roomie is having to watch her own health.  So far, there's been no sign of the flu.  I hoping it doesn't show.   I've had my flu shot, but it's not working well this year, only somewhere between 25 - 50% effective according to most things I've read.  

It'll mean a quick trip to the doctor if she shows nay signs.  Then I'll have to watch myself.  With any luck, her friend contracted the virus after she was visiting.   We'll just have to wait & see.  

The problem right now is we've both been feeling a little under the weather already.  Mostly seasonal  crap, nothing flu-like so far.  Hopefully, we'll stir clear of it.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Warm Sunday...

Its nearly 65 F here.  Unfortunately, that's waking up bugs & putting the junipers into pollen production mode.   This is being a bit rough on the head.  

I looked outside earlier & saw some wasps buzzing.  Really, wasps in January?  The grass is actually high enough to be mowed.  OK, Winter do your thing & kill off the grass & bugs.  At least drive them back a bit.

May next door neighbor has a thing for leaving his outdoor lights on all night.  These things are way too bright.   Right now he's mounting something on his detached garage.  Its either another blasted light or a camera.  I can't tell which.  He acts paranoid enough to think he needs a camera on his driveway.  Strange man.

Not much going on here today.  I'm making some beans & that's about it other than some cleaning.  I'll write more tomorrow.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fairly Nice Day...

Its a little weird that we're setting at 61 F in Oklahoma during January.  I'm sure the weather will flip again soon & plunge us back into more seasonal temperatures.   For now, it's nice not to have the heaters blazing away.  Other than catching up on some TV,  we've got very little planned for today.   Right now, I'm just watching birds flitting about the yard.  They enjoy a warm day as much as anyone.   I'm sure the outdoor cats are basking somewhere sunny.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  We're not even a full month into Winter. Wherever you are, I hope this day treats you well.


Friday, January 16, 2015


The dentist finished my crown yesterday.  Hopefully, the last 1 I'll need for quite a while.   Since last night, the new crown has proven to be a bit sensitive.   That's not uncommon, but its still jarring.  Its like a small electric shock in the outer part of my tooth heading into my sinuses. It'll pass, but for now it's a little disconcerting.

We had some shopping to do this morning.  That went well enough.  We're supposed to warm up over the next few days.  We might actually hit 60 F.

That may seem nice, but the abruptness of it won't be.   If we're lucky, the pollen won't jump up with the sudden warmth.  I doubt we'll be that fortunate.  Oh well, we're done for the week.  NO more plans or outings.  Yay!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Busy Dentist Day...

I have somethings to get done before I head out of here.  I don't have  a lot of time today.  I've got to get cleaned up & head out to my dentist.  I hope this is my last crown, at least for quite a while.   These damn things are expensive.   After that I've got to pick up my roomie.

The problem is for years I din't have any regular dental care.  Add to that, HIV & some HIV meds are not friendly to your teeth.  I've gotten myself a fairly expensive mouth.   These teeth have cost me a small fortune.  

If you haven't & you're +, you should do some research on dental care & HIV.  I've talked about it a bit in the past.  Not only can HIV affect your teeth, but your dental health can impact your overall health & well-being.  

I know its expensive, but its important.  You may have to do like I did & spread it out over several years.  I've been at this since 2008.  But most of the major work is over.

I've gotta get...


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Trash Day...

Its warming up a little.  I'm starting to feel better, still a little off, but better than I was.  Tomorrow is going to be a bit busy for us.  I have a dentist appointment & then I have to pick up my roomie from her friend's.  

Nothing big, but more than a typical Thursday lately.  Hopefully all goes well,  With any luck this will be my last crown.  I thought that the last time, but yet another tooth issue arose. 

The new year is well underway.  We've handled most of January's bills & have a couple of appointments left.  So far, 2015 is being nicer than 2014.  That wouldn't have been too difficult to accomplish though.  

The trash is out & I have things to do, so I'll end this for now.  Have a great day.  


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Recovering Maybe...

I've felt like crap for days now.  I feel a little better today.  Maybe, whatever this is heading out finally.  I'm still tired & achy, but not like before.  Welcome to my life as I get older living with HIV.  Isn't it just a blast?  Sarcasms, I've got'em.  Its not so much the getting older part as it is the older with HIV part that's the pain in the ass.  Adding Winter to that is just overkill.

Tomorrow will be take out trash day.  On Thursday I'll go finish the crown with my dentist.  Hopefully, the rest of the week stays mellow & I can get past this crud.

Hoping you're  all feeling well.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Wet Monday...

We went shopping this morning.  I have to admit, we were slightly worried about the roads.  There was supposed to have been freezing rain last night.  That never happened, it barely rained.

Still, it was cold & wet, again.  I'm really tired of this.  I feel pretty poor right now & my 2 older cats don't seem to be fairing any better.  Get warmer or drier.  Just pick 1.

I've had a low grade temperature for days from sinus issues.    A slight headache has been my companion for about as long.  I'm doing my best to stay healthy, but that's not easy right now.  

Maybe, I'll be able to focus more on the blog tomorrow.  Right now, I'm just shot.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Technical Issues...

Well, more like body issues.  I'm not feeling great today.   The cold, wet weather we've been having is wreaking a bit of havoc on me.   

My hands are cold, dry & swollen.  Not great for typing.  The heaters have left my eyes dry & itchy.  I'm not having the easiest time breathing today.  Then there are my typical aches & pains, that tend to accompany this time of the year.  

Its a nasty cycle.  To stay warm, I turn on the heaters, which in turn irritate my eyes, nose & throat.   Be cold & able to breath.  Or be slightly warmer & get dry skin & a cough.  Not great options. 

I hate Winter.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another Saturday...

I'm just trying to stay warm & not catch a cold. I've been on the verge of 1 for a while now.  The cold weather has stayed wet, making breathing difficult.  I've got beans cooking.  There'll something warm to eat for dinner.   This is the time of year when cold food really doesn't cut it.  I don't really have to talk about today.  I'm just sort of out of it with this weather.  Trying to focus on anything else besides staying warm is proving difficult.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Where's The Warm...

We went shopping this morning & it wasn't a pleasant experience.   We're getting to that point of the year where it's staying so cold that my mouse feels like a block of ice.    I'm huddled under blankets.  I'm depending on hot tea, lotion & cough drops.  We're not even a month into Winter, but I'm ready for it to go elsewhere.  

The weather is exacerbating all my normal issues.  The air is making it hard to breath.  My hands look like a dried up river bed.  

Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer.  We have some chances of bad weather further on into the weekend & midweek.   Maybe they'll just blow over.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wow. Just Wow...

I believe in giving recognition where its deserved.  This article talks about a woman who deserves acknowledgment.   This is the story of Ruth Coker Burkes, also known as the cemetery angel.   This is something you need to read.  Its about a woman from Arkansas & her headlong collision with a patient with GRID aka AIDS during the early years of HIV.   It  tells of how this encounter changed her life & how she helped others.  


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cold Trash Day...

Today was haul to the curb day.  Normally, I like getting the trash out of the house, not today.   It's cold, wet & windy out there.  Nasty.  Tonight is supposed to be the coldest we've seen so far.  It might make it down around 13 F.   

I'm no fan of cold weather.   My fingers & toes are fighting with it.  The trick with cold extremities is to warm them up slowly or you could have problems like chilblains.  

At least the rest of the forecast for the week had everything at or above freezing during the day.   That's not great, but it's seasonal & better than what I have today.   I want to live some place that stays between the 60's & 90's.  Any place that has the temps is probably somewhere I can't afford to live though.  Oh well,


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Just Another Tuesday...

Not much is going on here today.   I'm fine by that.  We've had a lot going on for quite a while & it's nice to be post holidays.  There are no special expectations for today.  We're just looking forward to staying inside & trying to stay warm.   

That probably sounds lame to a lot of people.  But after this year, doing nothing is fairly recuperative.  A little downtime is good for you.

It may be colder, but at least it's drier as well.  I'm reasonably happy, there's been sunshine today.  Yes!  Too bad that the lack of cloud cover will lead to us getting seriously cold tomorrow night.  Oh well, can't have it all.  I'd rather have the light right now.  I'm over dreary days.

Stay warm & safe wherever you are. 


Monday, January 5, 2015


It got quite a bit colder today than it should've.  This morning was about 18 F.  I was expecting a mid 20 something low point & for it to be back up near 30 by the time I was getting around.

Apparently, we're in for some serious cold this week.  Maybe it'll  at least dry things out a bit.  This cold, wet stuff is about to kill me.  

Not much going on this week.  We've gotten most of our bills paid for the month.  Now we're just waiting for the rest of them to show up.  

I've got a dentist appointment & a doctor's visit coming up.  I need to finish this crown business & the doctor's is just  a regular check in time.   Hopefully, this month stays non eventful.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter Is Upon Us...

It was fairly chilly this morning.   It was the 1st time over a  month the water I leave for the outdoor cats was frozen at all.  We probably won't make it to 30 F today.  I'm fine with that.  I'm not fine with all the humidity that's sticking around.  

By Wednesday we're supposed to have overnight temperatures down into the mid-teens.   I put more blankets on my bed this morning.  This cold, wet stuff is what leads to problems for me, mostly chilblains.  I've complained about these before.  I normally don't get them until like February, but I'm already dealing with them due to all the humidity.  

Hopefully, this cold will kill off all the unwanted bugs & weeds.  Most of my yard is still green.  With any luck, it won't be a nasty Winter & have ice storms & major temperature plummets, fingers crossed.


Friday, January 2, 2015

4th & 15th ...

I'm writing this a little early but that's OK.   This blog is now 4 years old.  I've written daily for that time.  I'm pleased & surprised I stuck with it.    I guess we'll see what this year brings.

This post also marks the anniversary of the day I was diagnosed as +.  This is my HIV Day.   I've spent nearly a third of my life as a + person.  Sometimes I feel like crap, but like the song says, "I'm still here."  

I should probably say more, but I'm just trying to take in that I've stuck with a blog for that long.  That I've stuck with a medical regimen for even longer.  I'm not usually 1 for sticking to much of anything.  

So, Happy New Year, Happy New Blog Year, & Happy HIV Day to me!  Let the noisemakers sound off & the confetti fly. 


Soggy Second...

It's the 2nd of January 2015 & its been drizzling for most the morning & the night before.  At least, its not freezing into sleet or slush.  It's a little chilly, but not too bad, considering its January.

I have to go over to Fort Smith later.  Its my roomie's 1st visit to her friend's house of the new year.  I suppose that should be important.   I wonder if there'll be music & confetti.  There should definitely be music & confetti, oh & dancing probably on table tops with feather boas, crops & little hats.  Now that'd be a sight.

I hope your new year still has that new year smell to it.  Make it last, keep it tidy.  We won't get a new model for over 360 days.


Thursday, January 1, 2015


This is the 1st day of 2015.  I don't want to talk about anything negative.  I don't want to gripe or complain.   I want this this day to just be about the newness of it all.  

I've cooked up some seasonal food for my roomie, black-eyed peas.  We've been out & ran some errands.  It's been a good day so far.

For anyone reading this, I sincerely hope good things find their way into your life this year.  Happy New Year.
