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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Moving On...

No matter how crappy things get, time keeps going,.  I'm nearing the end of this year for myself.  Come September, it's a new 1 for me.    I know my household is still in transition from all it's gone through this year, but this mess is passing.  

The process hasn't been quick, but our more normal lives are slowly starting to reemerge.   My roomie is finding ways to get through her process.  Again, it's not easy, but she's doing it.  She's discovering through this ongoing situation that acknowledging the steps & the momentary situations is a very  important thing to do.   

When you've gone through something traumatic or challenging, it is very important to recognize the steps.  You've endured this, it's now part of who you are.  If for other reason than to tell yourself next week that you're doing better than you did today.  

Every step, breath, tear, struggle... they all count.  They all matter. Give them the credence they deserve.  You've earned it.


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